Activity C3 - Project week in Brussels

V apríli 2021 sa malo v rámci aktivity C3 nášho projektu Erasums+ uskutočniť 5-dňové stretnutie s našim rakúskym projektovým partnerom v Bruseli. V dôsledku pandemickej situácie realizujeme virtuálnu spoluprácu prostredníctvom platformy eTwinning.

Trojdňový virtuálny program je v súlade s cieľmi projektu zameraný na spoznávanie Bruselu, európskych štruktúr, práce v zahraničí ako aj motivácie a vzťahu učiteľ a žiak.

Všetky aktivity prebiehajú v jazyku projektu (anglický jazyk).

Virtual activity – 1st day

Living and working in a multi-cultural setting, Culinary tour

Insight into the life in a cosmopolitan city through the Padlet about Brussels, Virtual city tour, Cultural quiz about Brussels in teams, Evaluation of findings of the quiz

Expected Results: Getting to know the city and European institutions, reflection on attitudes towards and ways of dealing with cultural diversity.

Time Activity Responsible people
8:00–9:00 Introduction to the topic, individual work in digital space: Why would you like to visit Brussels? Outcome: presentation on Rakovská
9:10–10:10 Virtual tour of Brussels, watching a film about the city Source: Minárová, Mihaličková
10:20–11:20 A movie quiz via, evaluation of the quiz, discussion about the life in a cosmopolitan city with cultural diversity Tool: Minárová, Mihaličková
12:00–13:00 Culinary art in Brussels, cooking of typical Belgium meals and their presentation Outcome: photos and a short video from baking of waffles Kunová

Virtual activity – 2nd day

Working in European Union and abroad, European parliament

Time Activity Responsible people
8:00–9:00 A lecture / presentation by a grammar school graduate who worked in Brussels as a head of European Affairs Unit, Defence Policy Department, Ministry of Defence of the Slovak republic. Working in Brussels, its advantages, disadvantages, opportunities in the common labor market MS Teams Kunová, Rakovská
9:10–10:10 Discussion, reactions to questions of participants Discussion forum Kunová, Rakovská
10:20–11:20 Working with digital technologies. Virtual tour in the European Parliament in Brussels, You tube video Output: to find out the representatives of the SR/AT in the EU Parliament, their competencies and contacts Mihalková

Virtual activity – 3rd day

Time Activity Responsible people
8:00–9:30 Mindmap / Wordart (brainstorming in groups)
- constructive and destructive behaviour of pupils and teachers
- characteristics of a positive learning environment
- motivation of teachers and motivation of students
9:40–11:45 Street art galleries: Posters - visualization of the first part through posters, creation of an atomic model Outcome: posters Minárová, Taligová
12:00–13:00 Summary and evaluation of joint activities of three days, their contribution, suggestions for improvement, application of good practice at your school, evaluation of cooperation All participants