Activity C3 - Project week in Brussels
V apríli 2021 sa malo v rámci aktivity C3 nášho projektu Erasums+ uskutočniť 5-dňové stretnutie s našim rakúskym projektovým partnerom v Bruseli. V dôsledku pandemickej situácie realizujeme virtuálnu spoluprácu prostredníctvom platformy eTwinning.
Trojdňový virtuálny program je v súlade s cieľmi projektu zameraný na spoznávanie Bruselu, európskych štruktúr, práce v zahraničí ako aj motivácie a vzťahu učiteľ a žiak.
Všetky aktivity prebiehajú v jazyku projektu (anglický jazyk).
Virtual activity – 1st day
Living and working in a multi-cultural setting, Culinary tour
Insight into the life in a cosmopolitan city through the Padlet about Brussels, Virtual city tour, Cultural quiz about Brussels in teams, Evaluation of findings of the quiz
Expected Results: Getting to know the city and European institutions, reflection on attitudes towards and ways of dealing with cultural diversity.
Time |
Activity |
Responsible people |
8:00–9:00 |
Introduction to the topic, individual work in digital space: Why would you like to visit Brussels? |
Outcome: presentation on |
Rakovská |
9:10–10:10 |
Virtual tour of Brussels, watching a film about the city |
Source: |
Minárová, Mihaličková |
10:20–11:20 |
A movie quiz via, evaluation of the quiz, discussion about the life in a cosmopolitan city with cultural diversity |
Tool: |
Minárová, Mihaličková |
12:00–13:00 |
Culinary art in Brussels, cooking of typical Belgium meals and their presentation |
Outcome: photos and a short video from baking of waffles |
Kunová |
Virtual activity – 2nd day
Working in European Union and abroad, European parliament
Time |
Activity |
Responsible people |
8:00–9:00 |
A lecture / presentation by a grammar school graduate who worked in Brussels as a head of European Affairs Unit, Defence Policy Department, Ministry of Defence of the Slovak republic. Working in Brussels, its advantages, disadvantages, opportunities in the common labor market |
MS Teams |
Kunová, Rakovská |
9:10–10:10 |
Discussion, reactions to questions of participants |
Discussion forum |
Kunová, Rakovská |
10:20–11:20 |
Working with digital technologies. Virtual tour in the European Parliament in Brussels, You tube video |
Output: to find out the representatives of the SR/AT in the EU Parliament, their competencies and contacts |
Mihalková |
Virtual activity – 3rd day
Time |
Activity |
Responsible people |
8:00–9:30 |
Mindmap / Wordart (brainstorming in groups)
- constructive and destructive behaviour of pupils and teachers
- characteristics of a positive learning environment
- motivation of teachers and motivation of students
Kunová |
9:40–11:45 |
Street art galleries: Posters - visualization of the first part through posters, creation of an atomic model |
Outcome: posters |
Minárová, Taligová |
12:00–13:00 |
Summary and evaluation of joint activities of three days, their contribution, suggestions for improvement, application of good practice at your school, evaluation of cooperation |
All participants |